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- 2、a英语短文。 ,世界上最大的动物不是大象,而是蓝鲸(blue whale), 旅鲸生活在海
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《蓝鲸王国 Kingdom of the Blue Whale》
导演: 苏·霍顿
主演: Scott Baker、John Calambokidis、Darlene Kenton
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2009-03-08
片长: 96
蓝鲸(学名:Balaenoptera musculus)是一种海洋哺乳动物,属於须鲸亚目。蓝鲸被认为是地球上曾经生存过体型最大的动物,长可达33公尺,重达181吨。
蓝鲸的身躯瘦长,背部是青灰色的,不过在水中看起来有时颜色会比较淡。 目前已知蓝鲸至少有三个亚种:生活在北大西洋和北太平洋的B. m. musculus;栖息在南冰洋的B. m. intermedia与印度洋和南太平洋的B. m. brevicauda(也称侏儒蓝鲸)。在印度洋发现的B. m. indica则可能是另一个亚种。与其他须鲸一样,蓝鲸主要以小型的甲壳类(例如磷虾)与小型鱼类为食,有时也包括鱿鱼。
直到20世纪初,在世界上几乎每一个海域中,蓝鲸的数量是相当多的。在超过40年后,捕鲸者的猎杀使它们几乎灭绝。直到国际社会在1966年开始保育蓝鲸后,蓝鲸的数量才逐渐上升。一份2002年的报告估计目前世界上蓝鲸的数量在5,000至12,000只之间,并分布在至少5个族群中。最近对於侏儒蓝鲸的研究显示这个数字可能是低估了实际的数量。在捕鲸活动开始前,蓝鲸最大的族群是在南极海域,估计大约有239,000只(范围介於202,000与 311,000之间)。目前在东北太平洋、南极海与印度洋的数量已经比以前要减少非常多(大约各只有2,000只)。在北大西洋则有2个更大的集团,在南半球至少也有2个集团。
a英语短文。 ,世界上最大的动物不是大象,而是蓝鲸(blue whale), 旅鲸生活在海
Amazing animals Elephants are not the biggest animals in the world. The world’s biggest animals are in the sea—but not fish. They’re usually 30 metres long and 1 000 kilos heavy. They’re one of the cleverest animals in the world. They can talk to each other but people don’t know what they are saying. What are they? They’re called the blue whales.
The Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. At up to 33 metres (110 ft) in length and 181 metric tonnes (200 short tons) or more in weight, it is believed to be the largest animal to have ever lived on Earth,[2] though some recent, albeit controversial, dinosaur discoveries may contradict this long-held belief (see Bruhathkayosaurus).
Blue Whales were abundant in nearly all oceans around the world until the beginning of the twentieth century. For the first 40 years of the century they were hunted by whalers almost to extinction. Hunting of the species was outlawed by the international community in 1966. A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 Blue Whales worldwide[3] located in at least five groups. More recent research into the Pygmy subspecies suggest this may be an underestimate.[4] Before whaling the largest population 239,000 (range 202,000 to 311,000) was in the Antarctic[5] but now there remain only much smaller (around 2,000) concentrations in each of the North-East Pacific, the Antarctic, and the Indian Ocean. There are two more groups in the North Atlantic and at least two in the Southern Hemisphere.
Since the whaling ban, it is not well known whether the global Blue Whale population is increasing or remaining stable. In the Antarctic, best estimates show a significant increase at 7.3% per year since the end of illegal Soviet Union whaling, but numbers remain at under 1% of their original levels.[5] It has also been suggested that Icelandic and California populations are increasing but these increases are not statistically significant. The total world population was estimated to be between 5,000 and 12,000 in 2002 although there is great uncertainty in available estimates for many areas.[3] The Blue Whale remains listed as "endangered" on the IUCN Red List of threatened species as it has been since the list's inception. The largest known concentration, consisting of about 2,000 individuals, is the North-East Pacific population that ranges from Alaska to Costa Rica but is most commonly seen from California in summer. Sometimes this population strays over to the North-West Pacific; infrequent sightings between Kamchatka and the northern tip of Japan have been recorded.
In the Southern Hemisphere, there appear to be two distinct subspecies, the Antarctic blue whale and the poorly-understood Pygmy blue whale, found in Indian Ocean waters. Recent abundance estimates for the Antarctic subspecies range from 1100[15] to 1700.[5] Research into the number of Pygmy Blues is on-going. Estimates from a 1996 survey were that 424 pygmy blue whales were in a small area south of Madagascar alone,[16] thus it is likely that numbers in the entire Indian Ocean are in the thousands or more. If this is true, the global numbers are much higher.[4]
Migratory patterns of these subspecies are not well known. For example, pygmy blue whales have been recorded in the northern Indian Ocean (Oman, Maldives, Sri Lanka) where they may form a distinct resident population. In addition, the population of Blue Whales occurring off Chile and Peru may also be a distinct population. Some Antarctic blue whales approach the eastern South Atlantic coast in winter, and occasionally their sounds are heard off Peru, Western Australia, and in the northern Indian Ocean. In Chile, the Cetacean Conservation Center, with support from the Chilean Navy, is undertaking extensive research and conservation work on a recently discovered feeding aggregation of the species off the coast of Chiloe Island.
In the North Atlantic, two stocks are recognized. The first is found off Greenland, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. This group is estimated to total about 500. The second, more eastern group is spotted from the Açores in Spring to Iceland in July and August; it is presumed that the whales follow the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the two volcanic islands. Beyond Iceland, Blue Whales have been spotted as far north as Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen though such sightings are rare. Scientists do not know where these whales spend their winters. The total North Atlantic population is between 600 and 1500.
Human threats to the potential recovery of Blue Whale populations include the accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) chemicals within the whale's blood, causing poisoning and premature death, and the ever-increasing amount of noise created by ocean traffic. This noise drowns out the noises produced by whales (see whale song), which may make it harder for whales to find a mate.
Efforts to calculate the Blue Whale population more accurately are supported by marine mammologists at Duke University who maintain the OBIS-SEAMAP (Ocean Biogeographic Information System - Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations), a collation of marine mammal sighting data from around 130 sources.[17]
蓝鲸(学名Balaenoptera musculus,英文blue whale)是一种海洋哺乳动物,属於须鲸亚目。蓝鲸被认为是曾经生存过的最大动物,长可达30米,重140吨或更多。
饥荒海难鲸鱼怎么打 无伤获取鲸鱼油视
它在被杀死的时候掉落了一只蓝色的鲸鱼尸体。蓝鲸尸体将需要3 - 5天的时间才能完全膨胀(只有当玩家在附近的时候)——当肿胀的时候,它可以用大砍刀弹出,它会爆炸,4条生鱼片,4个鲸脂,还有9个其他的随机物品。他们被认为是无辜的生物,杀死1人会增加玩家的罪恶值,这可能会导致坎普斯出现。
在被激怒后,蓝鲸将试图关闭它与攻击者之间的距离。玩家可以通过5 - 6的攻击模式,根据移动速度,安全地风筝。然而,如果在屏幕上有不止一只蓝鲸,那么所有的蓝鲸都将对攻击者进行攻击,直到它们被杀死或逃脱。
通过调查一些可疑的气泡,你可以找到一条蓝鲸。这些可以在深海生物群落中随机发现,如果在一段时间内被忽略,它们将会改变位置。一旦对可疑的气泡进行调查,三个人就会向同一个方向冲去,如果随之而来的是另一个可疑的气泡,或者是那只蓝鲸的两个屏幕。在揭开最后的气泡(每次狩猎可以达到6到12次)时,这个角色将提醒玩家这个生物已经接近了,而蓝鲸将被孵化出来,而不是另一个泡泡。注意,有1 / 3的几率白鲸会产卵。
需要冰冻法杖的3次攻击才能冻结Blue Whale,并且需要花费3个麻醉吹箭来让它昏睡。
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